The Potential Hiding in Your Product
Good software products don’t achieve greatness by adding more features. They transform when they stop managing users and start building a thriving community, a community that becomes their greatest competitive advantage.
You’ve built a great product, with a strong team and technology that works. But as the product leader, you can’t shake the feeling that something more is waiting, something powerful, just beneath the surface.
I’m Brydon, and I know this transformation takes work. But you won’t have to do it alone. Together, we’ll uncover where community is naturally forming in your product and turn it into the foundation of your competitive advantage.
An offer. Share your inbox with me, and I'll share several unconventional insights about spotting community in your product. (Fair warning: we start with a surf lesson and may get on a train)
"Your users are willing to show you where to go next. Let's work together to read the signals."